Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I've been tagged by Heidi!

Here goes:

1. Best thing you cooked last week?
We found this recipe in our pH Miracle cookbook and it's our favorite. It's called Zippy Breakfast and it's basically chopped avocadoes, tomatoes, bellpepper, Udo's oil and Liquid Aminos over hot rice. It's so freakin' good!

2. If money, time and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who?
I'd take my hubby and go on a cruise somewhere in the Caribbean.

3. When was the last time you cried?
Last week. I try to avoid at all costs the country song,"I Loved Her First". Whenever I hear it, I just start blubbering.

4. Five things you were doing 10 years ago:
1- Cheering for C.E.U. Go Eagles!!!
2- Waitin' and datin' on my guy - he didn't know how smitten I was with him, so he didn't know I was waiting.
3- Getting engaged to another guy when "my" guy came home off his mission - LONG story!
4- Having a major prank war with the guys down the hall. Good stories there!
5- Just trying to get through my first year of college.

5. Five things you were doing 5 years ago:
1- Being a mom to my two oldest.
2- In the primary presidency.
3- Living in Los Angeles.
4- Hosting A LOT of baby showers. We had 10 babies born in one year, that's a record for the Canoga Park ward.
5- Going back to school as Los Angeles Pierce College.

6. Five things you were doing 1 year ago:
1- Had a wonderful homebirth with Autumn.
2- Elected as the new president of Utah Friends of Midwives Association. Spending lots of time up on Capitol Hill talking to senators and reps.
3- Started my doula work.
4- Found my passion in childbirth and hope someday to be a Licensed Direct-entry Midwife.
5- Busy being a mom and chauffering them all over.

7. Seven of your favorite hobbies:
1- Blogging, which I never thought I'd be interested in.
2- Reading, self-help or new-age books mainly.
3- Researching anything about alternative medicine, learning about herbs.
4- Attending births, obviously.
5- Making desserts. I don't know why this is so soothing to me, but there is just something about digging into something sweet that you've made all by yourself.
6- Learning about autism.
7- Traveling.

8. Five favorite foods:
1- Sweet 'n' sour chicken
2- Chicken parmisan
3- smoked beans and sausage
4- Lettuce wraps from Pei Wei
5- Ham fried rice with sweet n sour sauce drizzled over it.

9. Five places you've been:
This should be five places you'd like to go to because I haven't been anywhere exciting.
1- Nauvoo
2- New Hampshire, Boston
3- Oregon
4- California
5- Washington

10. Five Favorite Memories:
1- My wedding day.
2- The births of all four of my children.
3- Dressing the guys up in our brasiers for a talent show in college, way funny.
4- The day I won the state championship in gymnastics.
5- Toilet papering my ex-boyfriends house. Sweet revenge!

People I'm tagging:
Tisha Hunt and Sara Farrer, because I don't think they've been tagged yet. Connie Pender because I haven't heard from her for forever. Scott Pearson, because he's too busy to update his blog. haha! Bobbie Newton because even though I read their family blog I don't know very much about her.

Okay taggies, copy and paste and put your own answers in, then tag five other people.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Day

Josh, Miri, and cousin Amaya

Well, atleast I think it should be celebrated. My sweet hubby, who works so hard for our family, got a new promotion and raise at work!!! I know he's felt really conflicted about staying in the IT industry, but this new promotion is a change. It's an opportunity to learn more and make his resume look really snazzy. I'm excited for him. He actually had a spring in his step this morning. I love you honey!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley 1910-2008

I am happy to know that our beloved President Hinckley is with his loving wife Marjorie. I am also saddened by his departure. He will be missed.

My baby is sick

A few days ago Autumn got what I thought was just the beginning of a cold. Coughing, runny nose, congestion, no big deal right? Friday night a fever accompanied the symptoms. On Saturday she could hardly breathe. I thought she had classic RSV symptoms from what I was reading on the internet. The one precaution to lookout for was blue coloring in the lips and extremities. So after her nap on Saturday I found her struggling to breathe and her lips turning blue. We rushed her over to the Urgent Care center nearby and had them do an Nebulizer treatment, which helped a ton. The doctor came in and listened to her chest. Not good. She got x-rays next. She didn't have RSV, she has pneumonia. So we have nebulizer home with us and she's breathing in Albuterol. And I hope feeling much better, at least she sounds better. Poor baby! It scared me out of my mind to see her struggling to breathe like that. While I'm a very "crunchy" momma, I am thankful for modern medical technology. I can't imagine how I would treat pneumonia with out it.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Heidi's blog entry about her daughter and makeup had me reminiscing about the time Jacob and Alisha got into their Aunt Jennie's makeup. Jacob was 5, Alisha 4. Half of me was thinking,"Quick hun, where's the camera?", the other half that was not so happy was thinking,"Holyfreakingbleepbleepbleepeyetwitchingbleep!!!". So yeah, it took weeks for it to come off because most of it was semi-permanent. Oh joy!

Notice that the makeup is not just on them, but on the bathroom mirror, floor, wall, bathtub, EVERYWHERE! And I think it's still there to this day. That semi-permanent makeup is definitely a formidable opponent when it comes to your heavy duty household cleaning chemicals.

And yes, Alisha is crying and Jacob just doesn't know what to do because both of them know they're in trouble! And they definitely know that mommy's makeup bag is off limits. Now if I could just make my point with Miri....I can wish can't I?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Girls Night Out

I seriously need a GNO. I can't do anything this weekend, but next weekend is totally open. Just throwing this out there incase there are any takers here. Anyone want to join me for a movie and food?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm hiding in my bedroom...

for like 10 minutes. The "witching hour" has begun at my house. I need a sanity break. I really wish my hubby didn't have crazy hours cause I'm done being mommy at like 4:00. Seriously, what do you do for your kids when all you feel like doing is shipping them to Mexico?

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Do they ever take a break?! I'm gonna have to shut down my yahoo address, I get atleast 25 of these ads in my inbox everyday. The porno, sexy singles invites, and viagra ads have got to stop! And I'm tired of inheriting millions of dollars from long lost loved ones in Africa! Venting done.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


This is the one show I didn't want to become addicted to. And now I can't get enough of McDreamy and must catch up on past episodes...Darn that writer's strike!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What does it mean to be a child of God?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so
that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

^^ Authored and published by Marianne Williamson ^^

I think this is what is means to be a child of God. My friend Tisha posted this quote on her blog. It has touched me deeply and I'm still pondering on these words. I wonder how it would be if more people knew who they were. But it's not simply to know who you are, but to feel who you are. Not that you are better or more worthy than another, but to feel that worth, that love inside yourself. Maybe that small part of the Great Plan of Happiness is to find that love and happiness inside of ourselves. And when we love ourselves, then we can let that light shine.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Strummin' on the ol' banjo!

Well, not a banjo, but woohoo I'm taking guitar lessons! I just signed up and ordered my acoustic guitar online. I wanted to do something different this year and since we don't have the space(or in my case the patience) for a piano, I opted for a guitar. I'm so freaking excited!

And, and, and!...I also applied for a job. I've already got all the logistics figured out. It's been years since I worked outside my home. Apparently the doula business hits a huge lull in the winter time. I need something to keep me busy. lol! Feeling excited today!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Shameless plug

Are you or someone you know pregnant? Would they be interested in hearing how they can have a wonderful birth experience? Would they be interested in talking to a birthing doula? If you've answered yes to all three, please come see me!

I'm currently taking new clients. I do free consultations. I'll help you envision the birth you've always wanted by writing up a birth plan, attending prenatals with you, educating you on your choices in whatever setting you've planned on(hospital, birth center, home, etc), and helping you feel like an active participant, in control of your baby's birth no matter the birth you choose(epidural, C-section, or unmedicated).

I travel within the following counties: Salt Lake, Utah, Davis, Tooele, and Summit.

I can take emails at or call me at 801-830-8872 to schedule your free consultation.